A New Phase of the SSE Begins at the 2012 Global Dialogue
At the 2012 Global Dialogue, a new phase of the SSE initiative was launched with the five participating stock exchanges — BM&FBovespa, Istanbul Stock Exchange, Johannesburg Stock Exchange, Egyptian Exchange and NASDAQ OMX — making a public commitment to promoting sustainability in their markets and thus officially joining the SSE as Partner Exchanges.
2014 SSE Global Dialogue – press release
Key Capital Market Leaders Convene at Largest Sustainable Stock Exchanges Global Dialogue
SSE at center of calls for action at the IV international forum on sustainability in Santiago, Chile
Santiago - Sarah Bostwick of the United Nations Global Compact, a co-organizer of the SSE, emphasized in her remarks that the very existence of the SSE is a positive indicator of the progress stock exchanges around the world are making to promote corporate sustainability in their markets.
Stock exchanges engage stakeholders on sustainability
NEW YORK, Geneva- Partner Exchanges of the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative have begun publishing a Communication to Stakeholders to engage capital market participants in a dialogue on responsible investment and sustainable business practices.
CEO of SSE Partner Exchange in Nairobi shapes Green Growth agenda
Nairobi- Mr. Geoffrey Odundo, the CEO of the Nairobi Securities Exchange, an SSE Partner Exchange, met with investment experts in Nairobi to prioritize green growth in investments and reshape the investment landscape at the first Regional Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) Africa Conference.
South East Asian capital market leaders pursue sustainable business agenda
Part of the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Regional Dialogue series
For the event programme, list of speakers, and press coverage please click here.
Stock Exchanges from around the world welcome new UN Sustainable Development Goals
(New York, 24 September 2015) – As world leaders gather in New York to launch the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), capital market leaders are gathered to welcome these new global goals on sustainability.