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SSE signs Exchange of Letters with industry association WFE

New York City, 27 September 2019 – The World Federation of Exchanges (“WFE”), the global industry group for exchanges and CCPs, and the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (“SSE”) initiative, have formalised their deepening partnership with the two organisations agreeing to work together on building capacity and technical assistance to stakeholders, and on joint publicat

Exchange in Focus: LuxSE launches guide to ESG reporting

(14 October 2019)     Continuing its efforts to promote transparency in its market, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE), a member of the SSE initiative since 2016 and a leading exchange in the area of green bonds, has published a new set of guidelines for reporting ESG information to investors.

How Stock Exchanges Can Grow Green Finance- now available in French

(25 October 2019)  SSE’ s Publication “How Stock Exchanges Can Grow Green Finance”, representing an action plan for stock exchanges, has been translated into French. The credits for the translation go to Euronext, partner exchange of the SSE Initiative since 2015.

Exchange in Focus: ATHEX publishes ESG Reporting Guide

(13 November 2019) The Athens Stock Exchange, a member of the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative since 2018, published its first ESG Reporting Guide. The guidance is designed to share information and communicate it to investors and other stakeholders. The exchange marked the occasion of the launch with an opening bell ceremony during which Ms.

Rwanda: SSE and IFC work with exchange and national regulators on ESG disclosure

On 28-29 October, the SSE and IFC collaborated with the Rwanda Capital Market Authority and Stock Exchange to jointly organize the first-ever virtual stakeholders' consultation on the revised Corporate Governance Code in Rwanda. Over 40 representatives from the Central Bank of Rwanda, investment funds, financial institutions, and companies joined the capacity building workshop 

SSE contributes to COP27 discussion on a global comprehensive reporting system

As part of the UN SSE’s COP27 activities in Sharm al Sheik, Egypt, SSE Academy Head Tiffany Grabski participated in a panel discussion on developing “A Global Comprehensive Reporting System.” Bringing together representatives of the private sector, standard setters and stock exchanges, Ms. Grabski highlighted the key role that capacity building plays in advancing this work.