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Exchange in Focus: Borsa Italiana hosts the third edition of its Sustainability Day

(3 July 2019) Following the enthusiasm of the first two editions, Borsa Italiana and the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) organized and held in Milan the third edition of the Italian Sustainability Day. Companies, investors and institutions met in Palazzo Mezzanotte to discuss climate change and share their experiences on ESG topics in the transition towards a more sustainable economy.

Professor Xepapadeas, from the University of Athens, opened the event with a keynote speech on climate change as a source of financial risk. He stressed the importance of green bond policies to facilitate the transition towards a low carbon economy and to support programs of adaptation to climate change. Other keynote speeches were held by Davide Ciferri, Sustainability officer at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, and Edward Baker, Senior Policy Advisor on Climate and Energy Transition at PRI.

The “Keep learning” sessions held in the afternoon involved a variety of speakers who shared their experiences on green, social and sustainable bonds.

Anthony Miller, coordinator of the SSE initiative, emphasized how stock exchanges are becoming more active in the creation of positive contributions. The green bond market is growing, with the LSEG being one of the top 10 exchanges listing green bonds. There are now 19 stock exchanges that have ESG bond segments, up from just three in 2015.

“Sustainability is not about aspirations, it is necessary. Green and sustainable bonds are a special and effective financial product that allow every Sustainable Development Goal to be addressed,” Mr. Miller said.

The importance of reporting ESG for SMEs and the strategic role of strong supply chains was also highlighted by other speakers: LSEG, World Bank, GRI and Allianz, among others, contributed to the conversation.

Throughout the day, more than 30 companies made themselves available to meet investors face-to-face and discuss ESG topics and products. The event was organized with the support of Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Forum for Sustainable Finance, the Italian Network of the UN Global Compact, the Principles for Responsible Investment and the SSE Initiative.