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How Stock Exchanges Can Grow Green Finance- now available in French

(25 October 2019)  SSE’ s Publication “How Stock Exchanges Can Grow Green Finance”, representing an action plan for stock exchanges, has been translated into French. The credits for the translation go to Euronext, partner exchange of the SSE Initiative since 2015.

In the foreword Mr. Boujnah, CEO of Euronext and Chairman of the Managing Board, highlights the crucial role of stock exchanges: “By facilitating the issuance, the identification and the investment of sustainable assets, they can catalyse the transition of their markets while preserving and assuring the continuity of their activities. It is our responsibility to ensure that investors have the right tools to make informed decisions aligned with their values.”

The translation contributes to this aim by broadening the audience and expanding its target. “We hope that this guide will be useful in the transformation of your organisation as well as your financial centers. The future of finance is green and the commitment of our efforts for a sustainable future is the key to it.”, adds Mr. Boujnah.

The translated publication is available here.