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Exchange in Focus: Japan Exchange Group co-hosts TCFD Symposium

On February 12 2019 the Japan Exchange Group (JPX), an SSE initiative partner exchange since 2017, partnered with Japan’s Financial Services Agency (JFSA) to host a symposium on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), entitled “The Power of the TCFD Framework in Company-Investor Dialogue”.

The symposium was held as part of wider efforts by JFSA and JPX to support Japanese companies and financial institutions that have expressed support for the TCFD, which has been rising since the Task Force’s final recommendations were released in June 2017. The event provided an opportunity to deepen understanding and discussions on the significance of the TCFD for companies and investors in enhancing mid-to-long term corporate value.

Over 400 participants representing listed companies and financial institutions attended the symposium. One of the keynote addresses was given by Ms. Mary Schapiro, Special Advisor to the Chairman of TCFD, who has also supported the SSE initiative’s action plan for securities regulators. The second keynote address was given by Mr. Norihiro Takahashi, President of Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), with additional presentations delivered by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Ministry of Environment (MOE) on their respective initiatives. The event closed with a panel discussion on TCFD implementation in Japan.

A press release for the event, including videos and presentations of the speeches, can be found on JPX’s website.


Takehiro Fujimura (General Manager, Corporate Sustainability Department, Mitsubishi Corporation), George Iguchi (Chief Corporate Governance Officer, Senior General Manager of Equity Investment Department, Nissay Asset Management Corporation), Masaaki Nagamura (Special General Manager, Corporate Planning Department, Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.), Toshihide Endo (Commissioner, JFSA), Curtis Ravenel (TCFD Secretariat), Satoshi Ikeda (Director, International Affairs Office, JFSA), Akira Kiyota (Group CEO, JPX)