On Monday 4th of September, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange visited the UN Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and met with the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges team to discuss current work on sustainable finance and future collaborations. The discussions covered the full range of consensus building, research and capacity building activities conducted by the SSE.
“The SSE develops its work programmes based on the direct feedback of our Partner Exchanges and their practical needs in promoting sustainable finance and the SDGs,” said Anthony Miller, Chief Coordinator of the UN SSE. “In this regard, we greatly value exchanges taking the time to meet with us and share their experiences, success stories and challenges. This helps to shape our work programme going forward.”
During the meeting, the technical assistance training of the SSE Academy was discussed. The SSE team provided an overview of upcoming training opportunities and Shenzhen Stock Exchange officials discussed how they might support these activities in their market. The SSE team is grateful to all its Partner Exchanges for not only hosting training sessions, but also assisting with customizing the training to local market conditions, including translation services.
The UN SSE is looking forward to continuing this dialogue with its exchange partners through online meetings or in-person events such as the World Investment Forum 2023 in October. All SSE Partner Exchanges hold at least one annual meeting, either virtually or in-person, with the SSE to share their experiences and priorities.
From left to right, SSE Team: Vanina Vegezzi (Project Officer); Tiffany Grabski (Academy Head); Anthony Miller (Chief Coordinator), Shenzhen Stock Exchange representatives: Hui Li (Executive Vice President); Ting Zhou (Vice Director of Department of ChiNext Market Compliance and Disclosure); Fang Wan (Senior Manager of International Cooperation Department); Minsheng Ding (Assistant Manager of Research Institute).