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December News Highlights

This month includes news from BYMA, Shenzhen Exchange, Deutche Börse, JPX, TSE, Boursa Kuwait, LuxSE, NZX, LSE and more.

IFC and SSE promote new work on ESG guidance

(24 January 2018, London) The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative and the London Stock Exchange hosted a roundtable discussion with stock exchanges, policy makers, investors and development partners to further their work on ESG disclosure guidance.

SSE engages IOSCO regional committee on Green Finance, ESG reporting

(25 January 2018) The Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative was invited to speak at the IOSCO Africa and Middle East Regional Committee Annual Conference on how stock exchanges can grow green finance in their markets, as well as other key sustainability opportunities.

January News Highlights

This month includes news from Nasdaq, HKEX, BSE, LuxSE, BMV Group, Nigerian Exchange, SET, LSE and more. Monthly news highlights are compiled by the SSE to give an overview of the capital markets sustainability news from that month.

February News Highlights

This month includes news from Bermuda Exchange, Peru Exchange, London Metals Exchange (HKEX), new products and new regulation and more.