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Exchange in Focus: NYSE launches central repository of ESG reporting resources

(New York 3 March) This week the New York Stock Exchange, a subsidiary of Intercontinental Exchange, launched a new central repository of ESG reporting resources on its website. Accompanied by a statement in support of the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative, the new webpage includes a range of tools for listed companies to better understand environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure. As more and more companies listed on NYSE and other exchanges work to meet investor demand for material ESG disclosure, exchanges are providing resources to issuers to help them stay abreast of best practices.

“Being long-term, responsible corporate citizens and stewards of stockholder resources is central to the missions of many of our listed companies” said Tom Farley, NYSE President. “ The NYSE has an ongoing commitment to educate and inform our issuers about evolving environmental, social and governance matters. In support of their efforts to enhance disclosure related to sustainability, we’ve added informational resources related to ESG reporting to our website.”

“A lack of corporate disclosure on material ESG information poses systemic market risks and is also a missed opportunity for companies looking for investor support around long-term, sustainable business strategies,” said Fiona Reynolds, managing director of the PRI.  “In addition to being a welcome resource, the new repository by the NYSE sends an important market signal to both investors and companies about the importance of ESG data.”

“This is a milestone in the ongoing integration of ESG issues into material corporate disclosures. We welcome NYSE’s strong commitment and practical steps to educate its issuers on ESG issues,” said James Zhan, Director of Investment and Enterprise at UNCTAD. “NYSE’s promotion of corporate sustainability is an important contribution to global aspirations to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

The SSE continues to work in partnership with stock exchanges around the world to ensure all issuers have guidance  on reporting ESG information to investors. UN Sustainable Development Goal 12, target 6 calls for efforts to encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle.