The Panama Stock Exchange (BVP) presented the “Guide for Reporting and Voluntary Disclosure of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Factors (ASG)”, which has been prepared thanks to the support of IDB Invest. It was consulted with a working group of important players comprised of the capital markets, representatives of associations and companies promoting these principles.
The new guide seeks to aid issuing companies understand the context, characteristics and market best practices in ESG factor disclosures. Likewise, it has been made available to the general public and includes definitions, benefits of reporting ESG aspects, recommendations for preparing a sustainability report, standards, international methodologies and performance indicators.
In Panama, some companies have geared their efforts toward sustainable development, incorporating the identification of ESG risks in their management and developing practices aimed at meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite these efforts, it is necessary to accelerate the pace and encourage issuers listed in the BVP to manage and promote transparent disclosure practices that facilitate investors to make responsible and impact investment decisions, including ESG factors.
The SSE provided guidance and constructive feedback during the guide's drafting process. "We were happy to be of assistance to the Panama Exchange in this process. We applaud their initiative and congratulate them on this milestone" said Anthony Miller, Coordinator of the UN SSE. The development of Panama Exchange's new guidance also benefited from the SSE's Model Guidance on ESG Disclosure and the SSE's database of ESG disclosure guidance documents from peer exchanges around the world.
Stock exchanges, as the central point of contact between issuers, investors, and market intermediaries, have been identified as important catalysts in the transition to sustainable development. The interest in creating this guide was born from the BVP's commitment to the development of sustainable finance in Panama and from the objective of becoming an international hub, which is why it has been complying with the best standards and practices.
“At the Panama Stock Exchange, we have a commitment to promote a sustainable and transparent Panamanian capital market. In 2018 we reaffirmed this commitment by joining the Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative of the United Nations and signing the Principles for the Empowerment of Women of the United Nations Global Compact” highlighted Olga Cantillo, Executive VP and General Manager of BVP.
The guide has been shared on the BVP website and can be accessed directly here.
The SSE ESG Guidance Database contains a comprehensive list of all stock exchange ESG guidance documents in the world so that other stock exchanges can learn from their peers. The database is updated to include an analysis of major ESG reporting instruments referenced in stock exchange guidance documents. To learn more, check our press release about the new database.