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Exchange in Focus: Costa Rica Stock Exchange publishes sustainability review

The National Stock Exchange of Costa Rica released its first Annual Sustainability Review, which symbolizes one more step in its sustainability journey since joining the SSE as a Partner Exchange. The publication illustrates how the National Stock Exchange of Costa Rica has incorporated different strategies and projects to support sustainable development from its capital market.

“The National Stock Exchange assumed a commitment to sustainability vis-a-vis the national and international financial community by joining the Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative led by the Organization of United Nations (UN). This decision allows us to set priorities and move forward in the fulfillment of goals, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This first Memory illustrates how we have incorporated different strategies and projects to support sustainable development,” wrote Mr. Thomas Alvarado, President of the Costa Rica Stock Exchange.

“With certainty and pride, it can be said that 2018 will be remembered as a year of many and important advances in sustainability for the Stock Exchange of Costa Rica,” Mr. Alvarado added.

The publication includes information related to the National Stock Exchange and the core activities that the company has worked on in 2018, including: green financing alternatives, gender equality, SME support, sustainability reporting and global alliances. These tasks align with 5 of the 17 sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations.

Additionally, this document acknowledges the commitments the company has accomplished in sustainability such as:

  • Environmental: the program of waste management and Green Bonds.
  • Social: benefits to employees, support to the community, as well as training courses related to capital markets and media dissemination in terms of sustainability.
  • Corporate governance: Conduct code and its risk management strategy.

For more information, you can find the Annual Sustainability Memory here.