The Costa Rica Stock Exchange (BNV) Sustainability Awards were recently held for the second consecutive year in a row. This is a recognition granted by the Costa Rica Stock Exchange to the efforts and commitments made by capital market participants to align the stock market with sustainable development through the different initiatives that the stock exchange has been promoting.
“Today more than ever it is necessary for both the private and public sectors to join forces to help Costa Rica reactivate its economy in a sustainable way. The Costa Rica Stock Exchange has been leading a transformation in the capital market that aims to make it a key ally for Costa Rica to advance in meeting the sustainable development objectives, and to remain an international benchmark in this area. The capital market can channel important resources to finance projects that signify economic, social and environmental progress, and this is part of what we are encouraging,” said María Brenes, Director of Business and Corporate Relations of the BNV.
Among the initiatives that are being promoted in the market are: creation of new funding instruments for sustainable projects, promotion of gender equality and creation of stock market products that empower women, support for entrepreneurship, promotion of responsible investment, strengthening the transparency of issuing companies through ESG reports.
The entities awarded in 2020 through the BNV Sustainability Awards are: OPC CCSS S.A, Popular Valores S.A., BAC Valores S.A., BN Fondos S.A, INS Inversiones SAFI S.A., Banco Promerica S.A., Sociedad Calificadora de Riesgo S.A, Popular Seguros S.A, Popular Pensiones S.A., BCR Valores S.A., Hevea CR Desarrollos Agroforestales S.A., Green Trust Internacional, Florida Ice and Farm Company S.A, Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, Sociedad Concesionaria Autopistas del Sol S.A., Holcim (Costa Rica) S.A. Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz S.A, Banco Popular y de Desarrollo Comunal.
While moving forward on the path of sustainability is not an easy or immediate task, it is necessary for generating greater value over the long term. The exchange seeks to promote, step by step, a more inclusive, more sustainable capital market that will contribute to a more prosperous Costa Rica for future generations.
Bolsa Nacional de Valores: a SSE Partner Exchange
BNV is figured in the SSE Stock Exchange Database, where you can check its sustainability activities. BNV has an annual sustainability report and offers ESG related training. Costa Rica Stock Exchange also has a written guidance on ESG reporting that can be accessed in the SSE ESG Guidance Database.