Name | MexDer, Mexican Derivatives Exchange |
Country | Mexico |
SSE Derivative Network member | Yes |
Number of contracts traded for the most recent reporting year | 14,834,788 |
Contracts traded (futures) | 419,664 |
Contracts traded | 290 |
SSE Stock Exchange Database | Yes |
Type of offered products |
Has an annual sustainability report? | |
Is sustainability reporting required of any market participants | No |
Exchange has written guidance on sustainability reporting for any market participants | |
Offers sustainability-aligned products | No |
Offers sustainability-related training | MexDer offers ESG training to the market participants. |
Additional information | |
Regulatory bodies | Regulatory model: Limited exchange
About the exchange | MexDer is the Mexican Derivatives Exchange, subsidiary of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV Group), that began operations in 1998 and offers Future, Option and Saps contracts. A self-regulated entity, MexDer along with Asigna (Clearing House), offer transparent benchmark derivative products based on Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange and Stock Indexes. |