Name | ICE - Intercontinental Exchange |
Country | United States of America |
SSE Derivative Network member | Yes |
Number of contracts traded for the most recent reporting year | 11,008,632 |
Contracts traded (futures) | 9,688,486 |
Contracts traded | 1,320,146 |
SSE Stock Exchange Database | Yes |
Type of offered products |
Has an annual sustainability report? | ICE â Sustainability Report |
Is sustainability reporting required of any market participants | No |
Exchange has written guidance on sustainability reporting for any market participants | |
Offers sustainability-aligned products |
To know more visit ICE sustainable finance webpage |
Offers sustainability-related training | NYSE â Resource Center |
Additional information | |
Regulatory bodies | Regulatory model: Each derivatives exchanges is designated as an SRO pursuant to the legislation under which each is registered.
About the exchange | Intercontinental Exchange, Inc.(NYSE: ICE) is a Fortune 500 company that designs, builds and operates digital networks to connect people to opportunity. We provide financial technology and data services across major asset classes that offer our customers access to mission-critical workflow tools that increase transparency and operational efficiencies. We operateexchanges, including the New York Stock Exchange, and clearing houses that help people invest, raise capital and manage risk across multiple asset classes. Our comprehensive fixed income data services and execution capabilities provide information, analytics and platforms that help our customers capitalize on opportunities and operate more efficiently. At ICE Mortgage Technology, we are transforming and digitizing the U.S. residential mortgage process, from consumer engagement through loan registration. Together, we transform, streamline and automate industries to connect our customers to opportunity. |