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NameNew York Stock Exchange
CountryUnited States of America
Number of listed companies2,525
Domestic market capitalization27,686,924 million US$
SSE Partner ExchangeYes
Has annual sustainability reportYes
ESG reporting required as a listing ruleNo
Has written guidance on ESG reportingYes

Offers ESG related trainingYes
  • The NYSE regularly conducts webinars and educational symposiums for investor relations, sustainability and governance teams of listed companies. These programs include the NYSE IR Summit, held annually at the NYSE and throughout the year in regional locations. For the past several years, each day-long summit has included several governance and board related topics and speakers have represented proxy advisory firms, hedge funds, small and large investment fund managers, heads of governance, ESG-focused investors, corporate secretaries and industry leaders.
  • The NYSE partnered with the CFA Institute and Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI) to host a workshop in November of 2017 for professional investors designed to promote understanding of how ESG issues are impacting share prices, bond yields and bond spreads.
  • September 2018 - NYSE held a Panel discussion with its listed companies and Tensie Whelan, who heads the Center for Sustainable Business at the NYU Stern School of Business to discuss measuring the ROI on sustainability. Key takeaways in the 2019 CRR report p.14
  • October 2018 - NYSE held a webinar with NRG Energy Vice President of Sustainability and Janine Guillot, SASB Director of Capital Markets Policy and Outreach to discuss how incorporating ESG information into annual reports can help engage with investors. See CRR report from 2019, p.14.
  • May 2022 - NYSE provided training on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD recommendations) in collaboration with the SSE, CDP and IFC. (source)

Market covered by sustainability-related indexYes

The NYSE administers, calculates or publishes nearly 40 ESG indices (more than 20 are environmental related specifically):

  • ICE BoAML Green Bond Index
  • NYSE Arca Environmental Services Index
  • MLCX Biofuels Index - Total Return (Intraday Indicative)
  • Barclays Women in Leadership Total Return USD Index
  • Return on Disability US LargeCap Excess Return Net USD Index
  • SPDR SSGA Gender Diversity Index
  • SSI Impact Index
  • Summit Zacks Global Water Index (Price Return)
  • Syntax U.S. Social Core Tier 1 Index
  • Syntax U.S. Social Core Tier 2 Index
  • WilderHill Clean Energy Index
  • WilderHill Progressive Energy Index
  • ZyFin India Quality and Governance Equity Index (USD PR)
  • S&P U.S. Activist Interest Index
  • Tortoise North American Water Index
  • Ardour Global Index Extra Liquid (USD)
  • Ardour Solar Energy Index (USD)
  • Northern Trust Developed Real Estate ESG Price Index (USD)
  • Northern Trust GRESB Developed Real Estate ESG Price Index (USD)
  • S-Net Nuclear Energy Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters Global Equal Opportunities Select Index
  • Thomson Reuters Global Large/Mid Diversity & Inclusion ex. Controversial Weapons Equal Weight Price Return Index
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Developed Markets ex-US Environmental Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Developed Markets ex-US ESG Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Developed Markets ex-US Governance Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Developed Markets ex-US Social Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Emerging Markets Environmental Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Emerging Markets ESG Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Emerging Markets Governance Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Emerging Markets Social Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Europe Environmental Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Europe ESG Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Europe Governance Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network Europe Social Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network US Large Cap Environmental Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network US Large Cap ESG Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network US Large Cap Governance Best Practices Index (USD)
  • Thomson Reuters/S-Network US Large Cap Social Best Practices Index (USD)

Has sustainability bond listing segmentNo
Has SME listing platformYes

Women on boards mandatory minimum ruleNo
Additional information


Organizational model of stock exchange
  • Listed company for profit; demutualized in 2006

Regulatory bodies

Regulatory model
Limited Exchange Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) Model.

  • The NYSE's self-regulatory obligations are performed by NYSE Regulation, a unit of the NYSE Group, Inc. which is responsible for monitoring listed company compliance and for performing surveillance of exchange members trading and enforcement work related to trading on the exchange. Pursuant to a regulatory services agreement, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA) performs certain regulatory work on behalf of NYSE Regulation, including examinations of NYSE member firms and certain cross-market surveillance and enforcement work.
  • In some instances, NYSE Regulation has concurrent jurisdiction with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and FINRA with respect to the NYSEs member firms and persons associated with them.

About the stock exchange