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The UN SSE initiative welcomes BVNSA

The UN Sustainable Stock Exchange initiative welcomes Bolsa de Valores Nacional, S.A. (BVNSA) of Guatemala has solidified its commitment to transparency and sustainability by becoming a member of the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative. The SSE’s newest member joins a network of now 110 stock exchanges around the world that are committed to promoting sustainable development.

The SSE works with stock exchanges through technical assistance, consensus building, and research to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to stimulate investment for a sustainable future. Exchanges around the world partner with the SSE to work towards a common objective of fostering financial markets that support the growth of sustainable and responsible business practices.

According to Rolando San Román, General Manager of the BVNSA, sustainability is a relevant issue worldwide from which Guatemala cannot be isolated. He pointed out that it is applicable to all productive activities and that, in the case of stock markets, it is also an extremely relevant subject because it adds transparency and alternative options for financial products. This endeavor allows issuers to support their activities and investors to take the opportunity to obtain returns while contributing to green, social and sustainable projects. “In this way, and in the case of Guatemala, transparency in stock market investments is promoted and tools are created that allow financing a sustainable green future” says Mr. Rolando San Román.

With this recent public commitment, Bolsa de Valores S.A. (BVNSA) has embarked on an important initiative that seeks to promote sustainability and the disclosure of information related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). María de los Ángeles Valdés, Assistant Manager of the BVNSA acknowledges the sustainably driven factor that adds direct value for issuers committed to the green cause and the important role of actively representing these values to the domestic and international financial market: “We want to have the provisions that allow the development of sustainable finance. Although this issue has not yet been widely developed in Guatemala, we want to provide the market with the tools that allow its expansion to various areas of our economy” explains Ms. Valdes. Also according to BVNSA, the exchange is preparing to implement specific regulations for green, social, sustainable, and sustainability-related values to be soon released.  

In addition to becoming a member of the Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative, BVNSA will hold a virtual workshop open to the public whose objective is to spread the importance of sustainability and its relationship with the stock market, for more information visit:

Promoting sustainability and transparency in capital markets

“We welcome BVNSA as a Partner Exchange of the UN SSE and are encouraged to see the actions that BVNSA will take to promote sustainable finance. We wish them every success with their new sustainable commitment to foster qualifying issuers and their securities with enhanced connectivity, credibility, transparency, and visibility among investors.” Anthony Miller, Coordinator of the UN SSE.

SSE Stock Exchange Database

To learn more, visit the SSE’s database of stock exchange sustainability activities. Currently, the database has data on 114 stock exchanges and tracks progress on key activities where exchanges are promoting sustainable business and investment practices. It is the largest data set of its kind and the data is freely accessible.