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NameBolsa de Valores Nacional S.A. (BVNSA)
Number of listed companies17
Domestic market capitalization16,016 million US$
SSE Partner ExchangeYes
Has annual sustainability reportNo
ESG reporting required as a listing ruleNo
Has written guidance on ESG reportingNo
Offers ESG related trainingYes

In 2022, BVNSA provided training on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD recommendations) in collaboration with the SSE, CDP and IFC. (source)

Market covered by sustainability-related indexNo
Has sustainability bond listing segmentNo
Has SME listing platformNo
Women on boards mandatory minimum ruleNo
Additional information
Organizational model of stock exchange

Private company owned by brokerage companies (mutualized), and independent shareholders. BNV is not a listed company.

Regulatory bodies

Registro del Mercado de Valores y Mercancas (RMVM)

Regulatory model

Bolsa de Valores Nacional, S.A. (BVN) is a private company registered as a Stock Exchange, which is a parent company to Central de Valores Nacional, S.A. (CVN), its CSD. BVN and CVN fall under the registral jurisdiction of the RMVM, a dependency of the Governments Ministry of Economy in charge of the control of legality of all participants in the countrys Capital Market as well as registering their existence and overseeing their transparency.  BVN is a SRO, thus providing its own requirements for its members and issuers. All rules and regulations regarding public offerings must be submitted to the RMVM and published in the Official Diary. BVN provides daily information regarding transactions and offerings.

About the stock exchange

BVN is currently the only stock exchange in Guatemala. Founded in 1986, it started operating in 1987 and as of October 2021 it has 17 stock brokerage firms as members. Its CSD functioned for many years as an internal department of the Exchange but became an independent corporation in 2011. BVN was a member of BOLCEN (Central American and the Caribbean Exchange Association) and is currently a founding member of AMERCA (Association of Capital Markets of the Americas), an alliance constituted by 10 Latin American Exchanges, whose objective is the construction of a regional market. CVN is a member of ACSDA and has subscribed agreements with other regional CSDs in order to provide its customers with a broader range of trading and settlement. In 2021 BVN was invited to the SSEs Ring the Bell for Gender Equality.