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NameSIX Swiss Exchange
Number of listed companies248
Domestic market capitalization2,327,707 million US$
SSE Partner ExchangeYes
Has annual sustainability reportYes
ESG reporting required as a listing ruleYes

The Swiss Authority has recently approved a new law on non-financial reporting (legal basis: 964a-c) that entered into force Jan-2022. It applies to the vast majority of SIXs listed companies requiring double materiality and covers information of business impact environment matters and social issues and also information of  employee-related issues, respect for human rights, and combating corruption. The new legal framework is based on EU Directive 2014/95/EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), the ordinance on climate reporting can be found here and additional information is available here and here Until this new law, SIXs listed companies could choose voluntarily opt-in sustainability reporting through Art. 9 DCG in conjunction with Art. 9 Point 2.03 DRRO where issuers have the opportunity, to inform SIX Exchange Regulation that they issued a sustainability report in accordance with an internationally recognised standard recognized by SIX. Issuers who opt into the SIX regime are then obliged to adopt the sustainability report in accordance with the chosen internationally recognised standard and to publish it on their website within eight months of the balance sheet date for the annual financial statements for a period of five years. In addition, companies remain free to issue and publish a sustainability report in line with an internationally recognised standard without reporting this to SIX Exchange Regulation. It is also permissible to include certain sustainability topics in their annual report.

Has written guidance on ESG reportingYes

See Chapter 10. IR and Sustainability from p.132 of the Investor Relations Handbook (5th edition)

Offers ESG related trainingYes

Supporting and/or sponsoring ESG related training from third party providers for our equity issuers.

In 2022, SIX provided training on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD recommendations) in collaboration with the SSE, CDP and IFC. (source)

Market covered by sustainability-related indexYes

Has sustainability bond listing segmentYes

Has SME listing platformYes

Women on boards mandatory minimum ruleYes
  • There is a 30% mandatory minimum rule for women on boards. Source: Swiss Law
Additional information
  • SIX Group participates in the annual survey produced by WFE, WFE 2021 Sustainability Survey
  • SIX Group is a member of Swiss Sustainable Finance which aims to inform on best practice and creating supportive frameworks and tools to support its members
  • As a member of the Zurich Energy Model, SIX Group committed to improving its energy efficiency by around 11% in the target agreement period from 2013 to 2020. In fact, SIX managed to increase its energy efficiency by twice as much: According to Zurich Energy Model calculations, the increase in this eight-year period was around 22%. In absolute terms, SIX saved approximately 25,000 MWh of energy.
  • SIX Group is also a member of the Advance network for Gender Equality in Business, which offers mentoring and further education opportunities specifically for women.

Organizational model of stock exchange

Private company for profit; demutualized in 2002

Regulatory bodies

Regulatory model

Limited Exchange Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) Model.

  • The SIX Swiss Exchange has the authority to issue, monitor and enforce regulations as per Swiss law. The exchange has created rules and regulations that apply to listing requirements, company disclosure, company obligations, and market Surveillance and enforcement. However, it should be noted that the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has to ultimately approve proposed rules and regulations changes by the exchange, giving it ultimate regulatory authority.

About the stock exchange

Location: Zurich, Switzerland.

  • SIX operates a competitive infrastructure for the Swiss financial center, catering to a broad, international client base. Its four business areas provide a comprehensive range of services in the areas of securities transactions, financial information processing and cashless payment transactions.