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NameStock Exchange of Thailand
Number of listed companies821
Domestic market capitalization563,038 million US$
SSE Partner ExchangeYes
Has annual sustainability reportYes
ESG reporting required as a listing ruleYes
  • In Thailand, the Securities and Exchange Commission mandates sustainability reporting in the 56-1 One Report annual public filing.
Has written guidance on ESG reportingYes
  • SET has provided a variety of guidelines and tools on sustainability disclosures that can be accessed here.
  • Apart from the publications, SET has offered a variety of learning tools for listed companies, to keep them abreast with the up-and-coming sustainability-related trends in the global business world. See more about Principles and Guidelines here.
  • In addition, a series of guidance documents and manuals can be found on SET's Sustainability website.
  • Corporate Sustainability Guide
  • Sustainability Reporting Guide


Offers ESG related trainingYes
  • SET has regularly organized capacity-building and training activities to promote corporate sustainability management, ESG reporting and responsible investing. Several e-learning programs are available here.
  • Corporate Sustainability Strategy' is one of the most well-received capacity-building programs among Thai listed companies. The 7-day course offers hands-on experience for participants through four modules:
    • S01: Sustainability Commitment
    • S02, S04: Value Chain and Materiality Analysis
    • S03: Sustainability Strategy and Initiative
  • SET, in partnership with GRCF, CDP and GRI, recently hosted a series of TCFD & SDGs workshops to raise awareness of climate change issues and related risks to business and promote climate resiliences among Thai listed companies. More about it here.
  • In addition, SET has partnered with Walk Free and FAST to produce a set of practical tools to manage human rights risks, specifically modern slavery and labor exploitation. Read more about it here.
  • See also the Training Page, Events page and Knowledge Library on sustainability

Market covered by sustainability-related indexYes

Has sustainability bond listing segmentNo
Has SME listing platformYes

Women on boards mandatory minimum ruleNo
Additional information
Organizational model of stock exchange
  • A non-profit organization, set up under the Securities Exchange of Thailand Act B.E. 2535 (1992) (Act.)
  • The Securities and Exchange Act of B.E. 2535 (1992) does not prescribe and allow the SET to raise any fund from the public for the purpose of the shareholder structure. As a result, the SET is unable to issue any share to be held by any Party.


Regulatory bodies

Regulatory modelLimited Exchange SRO Model

  • The Act stipulates the SEC as the regulator of the Thai capital market, including both the primary and secondary markets. The SET Board of Governors has the power and duty to formulate policies, supervise SET operations, and perform any other functions in accordance with the Act.

About the stock exchangeLocation: Bangkok, Thailand

  • Vision: To make the capital market work for everyone. The capital market is an integral tool for economic growth, and should not be privileged to only some. Hence the SET works hard to make the capital market benefit all stakeholders both directly and indirectly, in the belief that good business growth will lead to national strength and this in turn leads to the betterment of society.
  • Missions:
    • To plant state-of-the-art financial platform development that is both innovative and accessible to our customers locally, regionally and globally.
    • To innovatively grow product development that is not only relevant to market needs but also resonate with the sustainability of future growth.
    • To foster people development to ensure that our people will be best equipped with business competencies and professional integrity.
    • To implant an inclusive growth approach that will enable us to perform as the best business partners and social supporters.
    • To continuously cultivate ourselves and our stakeholders by investing in knowledge management creating, sharing and generating knowledge as part of an intangible asset.
  • SETs key operations include securities listing, trading, clearing and settlement, depository, securities trading and information disclosure supervision, market participant protection and information dissemination. SET has actively engaged its stakeholders in promoting sustainability management in the Thai capital market ecosystem to benefit market participants and the general public. As the center of securities trading, SET has been promoting long-term fundraising among businesses to ensure corporate competitive advantage and benefit the Thai economic growth. In addition, SET has continued to develop financial literacy to enhance well-being of people in society.

For more information see SET's website.