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NameRwanda Stock Exchange (RSE)
Number of listed companies10
Domestic market capitalization3,573 million US$
SSE Partner ExchangeYes
Has annual sustainability reportNo
ESG reporting required as a listing ruleNo
Has written guidance on ESG reportingNo
Offers ESG related trainingNo
Market covered by sustainability-related indexNo
Has sustainability bond listing segmentNo
Has SME listing platformYes
  • RSE Alternative Market Segment, since 2013.

Women on boards mandatory minimum ruleNo
Additional information
Organizational model of stock exchange
  • Demutualized at start in 2005.

Regulatory bodies

Regulatory model
  • Capital Market Authority (CMA) was established by the Prime Ministers Order of 28 March 2007 to initially guide the development of a Capital Market in Rwanda. It was previously referred to as the Capital Market Advisory Council (CMAC) till June 9th ,2011 , CMAC operated as the Capital Market Regulator, pending the creation of the CMA as provided in the Law N11/2011 of 18/05/2011 published on 9th June, 2011.
  • CMAC facilitated the creation of the RSE as a Stock Exchange and admitted 10 members of the RSE awaiting licensing powers provided in the newly published CMA law. One of the statutory objectives of the Capital Market Authority, CMA is to promote and develop the capital markets industry in Rwanda. Investor education is one of the ways of attaining this goal.

About the stock exchangeLocation: Kigali, Rwanda

  • The Rwanda Stock Exchange Limited was incorporated on 7th October 2005 with the objective of carrying out stock market operations.  The Stock Exchange was demutualised from the start as it was registered as a company limited by shares.