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NameHanoi Stock Exchange
CountryViet Nam
Number of listed companies345
Domestic market capitalization22,399 million US$
SSE Partner ExchangeYes
Has annual sustainability reportNo
ESG reporting required as a listing ruleYes
Has written guidance on ESG reportingYes
  • HNX published Guidance on ESG Disclosure for listed companies in 2016 in accordance with sustainability reporting requirements by Circular 155/2015/TT-BTC dated October 6, 2015 on guidelines for information disclosure on securities market.

Offers ESG related trainingYes
  • Joint workshop by Hanoi Stock Exchange and Global Reporting Initiative GRI Information disclosure standards of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) on Aug 18th, 2017;
  • Joint workshop by CPA Australia, HNX and HOSE International practices on investor relations on May 23rd, 2018;
  • Joint workshop by HNX, HOSE and GRI Sustainability Reporting for Public Listed Companies in Jun 18th , 2018, Hanoi.
  • In 2022, provided training on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD recommendations) in collaboration with the SSE, CDP and IFC in a joint workshop with the Sate Securities Commission of Vietnam and HOSE. (source)


Market covered by sustainability-related indexNo
Has sustainability bond listing segmentNo
Has SME listing platformYes
  • One of the function of UPCoM market is a trading platform for SMEs

Women on boards mandatory minimum ruleNo
Additional information
  • Currently, HNX operates 4 markets including listed stock market, UPCoM, Government bond market, and derivatives market.

Organizational model of stock exchange
  • State-owned single member limited liability Company

Regulatory bodies

Regulatory model
  • Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) was officially designated as a State-owned single member limited liability company with sole ownership by the Ministry of Finance and regulated by SSC.

About the stock exchange