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NameMalta Stock Exchange
Number of listed companies112
Domestic market capitalization16,451 million US$
SSE Partner ExchangeNo
Has annual sustainability reportNo
ESG reporting required as a listing ruleNo
Has written guidance on ESG reportingNo
Offers ESG related trainingYes
A seminar on Sustainable Finance was recently held with the theme Financing the Transition, which was part of the #ClimateOn campaign. (Source)

Market covered by sustainability-related indexNo
Has sustainability bond listing segmentYes
In 2021, Malta Stock Exchange introduced the Malta Stock Exchange: Green Marke' (Source)

Has SME listing platformYes
MSE Alternative Companies List (Malta), since 1999. (EU Regulated Market) Prospects MTF (Exchange Regulated) (source)

Women on boards mandatory minimum ruleNo
Additional information
Organizational model of stock exchange
  • 100% Government owned

Regulatory bodies

Regulatory modelGovernment (Statutory) Model

  • The MFSA is the only regulator in Malta and is a public institution that reports to the Maltese government. The Malta Stock Exchange does not appear to have any regulatory authority.

About the stock exchangeLocation: Valetta, Malta

  • The Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) provides a structure for admission of financial instruments to its recognised lists which may subsequently be traded on a regulated, transparent and orderly secondary marketplace. It also offers a comprehensive
    nge of backoffice services including maintenance of share and bond registers, clearing and settlement and custody services through its in-house Central Securities Depository. Access to the market may be achieved through admission to listing on the Regulated Main Market, or the Institutional Financial Securities Market (IFSM), both of which are
    egulated by the MFSA and enjoy full passporting rights within the EU. Alternatively, admission to the Malta Stock Exchange is possible the MSEs SME-oriented market, Prospects MTF, which is regulated by the MSE itself. The MSE has always been very keen to promote financial literacy in Malta. For this reason, it has set up the Malta Stock Exchange which runs a number of short courses aimed at candidates with different knowledge and financial literacy levels. In the current COVID-19 situation the courses are running online, and an updated schedule of the courses is available on the MSE website: