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NameBolsa de Santiago
Number of listed companies295
Domestic market capitalization179,335 million US$
SSE Partner ExchangeYes
Has annual sustainability reportYes

The sustainability report is integrated into the annual report.

ESG reporting required as a listing ruleNo
Has written guidance on ESG reportingYes

Offers ESG related trainingYes
  • Offered a training workshop in April 2018 on green bonds. (Source).
  • Provided training on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD recommendations) in collaboration with the SSE, CDP and IFC in 2022. (source)

Market covered by sustainability-related indexYes

Has sustainability bond listing segmentYes

Has SME listing platformYes
Women on boards mandatory minimum ruleNo
Additional information
  • Offers guidance on sustainable and responsible investment on website here.
  • On 18 July, at the Santiago Exchange in Chile, the leadership teams of the Santiago Exchange and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate cooperation in the field of cross listing and trading of financial securities in the two markets. The agreement defines green and social bonds as an area of priority, reflecting the efforts made by both exchanges to bring sustainable finance centre stage. News Release found here.

Organizational model of stock exchange
  • Listed company for profit.

Regulatory bodies

Regulatory model

Limited Exchange Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) Model

  • Reviewing the CMF Response to Survey on Implementation of IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation document reveals that the CMF carries out and enforces most regulations in Chile. CMF is the main regulatory authority for tasks such as listing securities and derivatives contracts, the authorization of funds and its fund managers Licensing and the issuance of securities. Therefore, the Santiago Exchange regulates its own operational activities but the CMF acts as the main authority for higher-level activity in Chile.

About the stock exchange

Location: Santiago, Chile

  • The first attempts to establish a stock exchange in Chile were made in 1840 with little success. In 1884, there were already 160 corporations and this forced the creation of a specialized stock market where to direct all transactions with securities. The Santiago Stock Exchange was founded on November 27th, 1893, as a major step to infuse energy and vitality into the national economy.
  • Santiago Exchange has several markets, which currently trade over USD 2 billion a day in equities, fixed income securities, money market instruments, investment fund shares and foreign securities. During the last decade, the exchange has expanded and evolved into a global point of interest for investors and a strategic partner for regional stock markets.