Name | Bolsa Institucional de Valores (BIVA) |
Country | Mexico |
Number of listed companies | 64 |
Domestic market capitalization | 17,300 million US$ |
SSE Partner Exchange | Yes |
Has annual sustainability report | No |
ESG reporting required as a listing rule | No |
Has written guidance on ESG reporting | No |
Offers ESG related training | Yes
Market covered by sustainability-related index | Yes
Has sustainability bond listing segment | No |
Has SME listing platform | No |
Women on boards mandatory minimum rule | No |
Additional information | |
Organizational model of stock exchange | Not listed |
Regulatory bodies |
Regulatory model | Regulatory_model Multilateral Traiding Facility (MTF) |
About the stock exchange | BIVA is part of Central de Corretajes S.A.P.I. of C.V. (CENCOR) (1988), is a Mexican company with more than 25 years of experience that manages a group of companies dedicated to the development of infrastructure of financial markets in Mexico, USA and Latin America. In February 2013, CENCOR submitted the project to create a new stock exchange to the Mexican financial authorities. In October 2015, CENCOR formally applied for a concession to organize and operate the Bolsa Institucional de Valores BIVA, which was granted in August 2017. After this delivery, BIVA began operations on July 25, 2018 under the Financial Reform, implemented to promote competition in the sector. We have technology supplied by Nasdaq, a global leader in trading and surveillance platforms. More details about BIVA here. |