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Number of listed companies463
Domestic market capitalization935,583 million US$
SSE Partner ExchangeYes
Has annual sustainability reportYes
ESG reporting required as a listing ruleNo
Has written guidance on ESG reportingYes

Offers ESG related trainingYes
  • B3 offers ESG training, workshops, events, and opportunities to exchange of experiences among listed companies and investors to foster this agenda in the Brazilian Capital Market. The initiative is lead by the Clients Relationship Department in partnership with the Sustainability Area.
  • Integration of ESG issues to education through the B3 Education, a platform in which the Company acts as curator of knowledge already developed by the market, organizing content produced by partners, clients and academy, together with authored content, in the form of knowledge trails. Launched in 2020, it had 71 courses at the end of the year of 2021, more than 400 contents and 178,000 registered users, in addition to 1,7 million of registered accesses.
  • In 2022, B3 provided training on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD recommendations) in collaboration with the SSE, CDP and IFC. (source)

Market covered by sustainability-related indexYes

Has sustainability bond listing segmentYes

Has SME listing platformYes
Women on boards mandatory minimum ruleNo
Additional information

B3s ambition is to connect sustainability with the business, leveraging the companys strategic objectives, and promoting a resilient business environment aligned with the best ESG practices. For B3, sustainability is an essential market practice, which generates long-term value for its stakeholders. As an organization that is at the center of the financial and capital markets, B3 has the role of inducing the best ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices among its stakeholders, offering products and services that support the clients in the transition to a resilient, low-carbon economy and, at the same time, conduct its own activities through responsible internal management. To reinforce this commitment, B3s Sustainability Strategy, approved by Executive Board, is based on 3 pillars:

  1. To be a company aligned with the sustainability best practices
  2. Induce ESG best practices in the Brazilian market
  3. Strengthen the product portfolio and develop new ESG market fronts

Considering the importance of the ESG agenda, B3 has the Social and Environmental Responsibility Policy, approved by the Board of Directors, which is  aligned with the companys strategic principles and aims to formalize and guide actions on the subject. Regarding governance structure, the company has a Sustainability Committee, responsible for strategic guidance on B3s sustainability issues and approval of the planning and macro initiatives related to sustainability. It is composed by the CEO, Chief Financial, Corporate and Investors Relations Officer, Chief Client and Products Officer, Managing Director of People, Marketing, Communication and Sustainability and two members from the Board of Directors. Believing in the value of partnership, B3 acts as an associate, member and/or signatory of several institutions and commitments with an ESG focus. Thus, the company seeks to monitor trends and possible regulations that may impact operations and stakeholders, and subsidies for the creation of new products and services. B3 was the first stock exchange in the world to become a signatory to the UN Global Compact, in 2005, and the first stock exchange in an emerging country to commit to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), in 2010. In 2012, the company became a signatory founder of the Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative (SSE) within the UN and, since 2014, is a member of the Sustainability Working Group of the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE). In the climate agenda, B3 is a member of the Advisory Board of the CDP Latin America. B3 also seeks to engage companies in sustainability issues and, at the same time, prepare them for this new business context, in which ESG factors are as important as economic-financial ones. As an example of the promotion of this agenda, B3 has the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE B3), which, since 2005, aims to create an investment environment compatible with the demands for sustainable development of contemporary society and encourage ethical responsibility of corporations, among other initiatives. B3s activities have a low environmental impact due to their nature. However, considering the companys commitment to be aligned with the best sustainability practices and encourage other companies to do the same, B3 monitors its environmental impacts and implement management, mitigation and transparency initiatives, among which it can be highlighted the preparation of the greenhouse gas emissions inventory since 2009; being Carbon Neutral for 9 years, through the neutralization of greenhouse gas emissions; Reporting to the CDP Climate Change questionnaire since 2009; and the implementation of internal selective waste collection, eco-efficiency, and incentive to conscientious consumption programs. As a responsible company, B3 strive to attract and retain talent, promote quality of life, and develop its employees. In addition, the company encourages diversity, inclusion, gender equality and volunteering agendas. B3 is also committed to inducing social practices in its value chain and promoting private social investment through B3 Social, a non-profit association, founded in 2007, responsible for integrating and coordinating the private social investment projects. In 2021, the company contributed with approximately R$48 million to 160 civil society projects on several topics, including youth training projects, fighting the impacts of the pandemic on food, health and income fronts, and projects supported through incentive laws on the fronts of health, sport and culture. In 2021, B3 became the first stock exchange in the world to issue a Sustainability Linked Bond (SLB) in the amount of US$700 million and is now financially committed to meeting sustainability-related goals. Among the commitments foreseen in the SLB are, by 2024, the creation of a diversity index for the Brazilian market and, by 2026, increase to 35% the percentage of women in leadership positions within the Exchange. Since 2010, base year 2009, B3 has been releasing the Annual Report drawn up based on the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and, since 2020, it also started to consider indicators of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and some elements of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). The Annual Report, which is audited by a third party, and which covers the most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the companys business, aims to disclose, in a transparent manner, economic, environmental, social, and corporate governance information related to the strategy, business and performance of B3.

Organizational model of stock exchange
  • Listed company for profit; demutualized in 2007

Regulatory bodies

Regulatory model

Limited Exchange Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) Model

  • B3s organization and operations are subject to direct oversight from the CVM. B3 is a market operator and operator of clearing houses that, in such capacity, acts as a self-regulatory and market surveillance organization, responsible for monitoring and overseeing market participants and the transactions carried out on its markets. The self-regulatory and market surveillance arm is B3 Market Surveillance (BSM), which maintains close relationships with the regulators, in particular the Central Bank of Brazil and the CVM. It is also responsible for keeping the CVM abreast of market developments and providing the market regulator with periodic reports of its market surveillance operations. Activities involving clearing and settlement services, which are provided through B3s four clearing facilities, are subject to the regulatory and oversight authority of both the CVM and the Central Bank.

About the stock exchange

Location: So Paulo, Brazil.

  • B3 provides market infrastructure, with products and services that connect, enable and develop the capital and financial markets. The company operates as a stock, commodities and futures exchange, has a private securities clearinghouse, and is also a fixed income and equities depository.
  • B3 activities, therefore, encompass securities trading, post-trading, clearing, settlement, depository and registration, being managed by a structured and strict combination of standards and rules. The company also has robust risk management and governance, which guarantees solidity, agility and credibility to the services it provides to customers, including banks, brokerage houses, companies, asset managers, high frequency traders, individual investors and pension funds, among others.
  • B3 is a publicly-held company with more than 98% of its shares traded in its own exchange environments Novo Mercado listing segment, in which companies commit to Corporate Governance best practices.
  • B3 is headquartered in So Paulo, with offices in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Alphaville (SP). Overseas, the exchange has offices in London (UK), Shanghai (China) and Chicago (United States) dedicated to assisting customers with activities in these markets and disclosing products and services to potential investors. B3 also has stakes in stock exchanges in Chile, Colombia and Peru.