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NameAthens Exchange Group
Number of listed companies164
Domestic market capitalization82,740 million US$
SSE Partner ExchangeYes
Has annual sustainability reportYes

The sustainability report is included in the annual report. See all reports here.

Annual report 2022

ESG reporting required as a listing ruleYes
The Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD 2014/95/EU) sets the requirements for the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by large companies.

Furthermore, the Greek Law no. 4548/2018 on non-financial reporting and the Circular no. 62784/06-06-2017 of the Ministry of Economy and Development, that have been developed according to the provisions of the NFRD, require large companies to disclose specific information regarding the way they operate and manage environmental and social challenges. (ESG Reporting Guide 2022)

Has written guidance on ESG reportingYes

Offers ESG related trainingYes

Market covered by sustainability-related indexYes

Has sustainability bond listing segmentYes

Has SME listing platformYes
Women on boards mandatory minimum ruleYes
Greece adopted a quota of 25% in 2020. Source

See also the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination flash report.

Additional information

Organizational model of stock exchange
  • Private company for profit; demutualized in 1999.

Regulatory bodies

Regulatory modelGovernment (Statutory)

  • The Hellenic Capital Market Commission is the primary regulator for the capital markets of Greece. The commission not only oversees the capital markets but also ensures compliance by companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange with capital market laws. Due to the regulatory power of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, the Athens Stock Exchange has limited self-regulatory power.

About the stock exchangeLocation: The ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGE (ATHEX) is located in Athens, 110 Athinon Ave. GR10442 Athens GREECE. 

The Athens Exchange Group provides support to the Greek Capital Market and participates also in the Energy Market since 2019. The Group offers financing tools and solutions to companies, expands investor choice by providing a safe, stable and easy environment in full alignment with international practices and the European regulatory framework. THE HELLENIC STOCK EXCHANGE ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGE (ATHEX) is the parent company of the Group that supports the operation of the Hellenic Capital Market. The parent company and its 100% subsidiaries ATHEXClear and ATHEX CSD operate the organized equities and derivatives markets, the alternative market, perform clearing, settlement of trades and registration services, provide integrated IT solutions in the Greek capital market, and promote the development of the capital market concept in Greece.

Ownership (Any owner with more than 4% of the exchange)THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC 5.34%