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This is an invitation only event. For more information, please contact the SSE team.

The UN SSE Consultative Group Quarterly Calls allow Partner Exchanges, regulators, investors, issuers, and other key market stakeholders to share their experiences, hear from guest experts and contribute to the SSE’s work plan. Held quarterly, the SSE webinar is organized twice in one day to accommodate the many time zones of our partners.

Climate change has been a key topic on the international agenda for decades - but the recent IPCC report makes it clear that urgent action is needed for us to meet the targets set in the Paris agreement.

To organize the action, many networks have been created to assist industry and non-industry actors to commit to a net-zero transition. To specifically engage the world of finance, alliances such as the Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative or the Net-Zero Banking Alliance have been launched. In the run-up to the next UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in Glasgow, the push for net-zero commitments from the financial sector will grow even more.

During the Q3 webinar, we will discuss what this movement means for exchanges, what kind of initiatives could be relevant to exchanges to meet the above-mentioned net zero challenge and how SSE members can get involved and prepared now.

The SSE 2021 Q3 Call took place on 8 September 2021 at 09:00 and 16:00 Geneva Time.

This is an invitation-only event for members of the SSE Consultative Group. If you are interested in joining the SSE Consultative Group please contact us at [email protected]

Summary and Presentation

Opening remarks and an overview of the agenda were provided by the SSE. The SSE team welcomed four new partner exchanges: Honduras Stock Exchange - Bolsa Centroamericana de Valores (BCV), Iran Fara Bourse Securities Exchange, Kyrgyz Stock Exchange, and Royal Securities Exchange of Bhutan (RSEB). There are now 108 SSE Partner Exchanges.

UNEP FI speaker, Jesica Andrews, explained what is the Race to Zero (RtZ), and mentioned how many organizations are involved. She also explained RtZ partner initiatives and how a business can join one of them. More details are in the slides below. She also indicated three useful resources to know more about the RtZ: 

We also had the participation of Meryam Omi and Eileen Wang giving more details on Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) and COP26. They explained that GFANZ has the objective of broadening Race to Zero’s existing finance sector campaign, raise ambitions, coordinate commitments, support technical collaboration, and showcasing the collective efforts and achievements of the sector.

In both calls, we had speakers from London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) and Singapore Exchange (SGX) sharing their experiences as the first exchanges committed to net-zero. Exchanges should focus on appropriate goals and increase the engagement to net zero in their markets. 


List of Participants

We had the participation of a variety of sectors from 38 markets, totaling 76 participants.




Chief Coordinator
Anthony Miller

Singapore Exchange (SGX Group)
Group Head Sustainability & Sustainable Finance
Herry Cho

London Stock Exchange Group
Head of Sustainable Finance, Strategic Initatives, Partnerships
David Harris

Senior Associate - Sustainability and Sustainable Finance
Timothy Tan

London Stock Exchange Group
Head of Sustainable Finance, Capital Markets and Post Trade
Claire Dorrian

Senior Project Manager
Jesica Andrews

COP26 High Level Champions
Head of Sustainability and Responsible Investment Strategy
Meryam Omi

HM Treasury
Head of Engagement Net Zero Team
Eileen Wang