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SSE launched a new workstream on the role of stock exchanges in promoting gender equality. This project is born out of demand and the intention of the SSE to update our 2017 guidance on How Stock Exchanges Can Advance Gender Equality. More information here.

The SSE’s Partner Exchanges and key stakeholders were invited to participate in the SSE Gender Equality Advisory Group.

The ‘Zero Draft’ brainstorming webinar took place on Tuesday 27 July 2021. The meeting was organized twice in one day to accommodate the many time zones of the Advisory Group members.

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Webinar Summary and Presentation


The task of the Advisory Group is to assist in updating the SSE 2017 guidance on “How Stock Exchanges can Advance Gender Equality.” The work is conducted in collaboration with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the chair of the SSE Gender Equality Advisory Group is the Jamaica Stock Exchange.


In recent years, many exchanges have worked on increasing gender equality in their market. but women are still underrepresented as recently showed by SSE ranking of G20 exchanges based on the gender diversity of listed companies’ corporate boards. While we want to reflect the progress in the space, we also want to raise awareness that more needs to be done. Driven by the desire to develop the best practices and provide examples to exchanges around the globe. Filling the gaps to expand and continuing to monitor and evaluate are steps included part of this project.

Gender equality is an integrated topic – look to build off work exchanges are already doing and an attempt to identify focus areas based on a combination of priority action areas and exchange areas of impact in addition to the importance of leading by example.

The SSE team will prepare three drafts in total for consultation with the Advisory Group – Zero Draft, First Draft, Second Draft. And the group will have the chance to provide written feedback. The categories and the action plan can be found clearly explained in the Webinar Slides available below.

Webinar Slides: Gender Equality Advisory Group

List of Participants

We had the participation of a variety of sectors from 36 markets, including exchanges, regulator authorities and investors totaling 65 participants.