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This is an invitation only event. For more information, please contact the SSE team.

SSE launched a new project to support exchanges in providing guidance to issuers on climate disclosure. The new workstream will assist stock exchanges in developing best practice reporting guidance for issuers to ensure globally consistent disclosures incorporating the recommendations from the FSB Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). More information here.

The SSE’s Partner Exchanges and key stakeholders are invited to participate in the SSE’s Advisory Group on Climate Disclosure.

The ‘Zero Draft’ brainstorming webinar took place on Wednesday 21 October 2020 at 09:00 and 16:00 Geneva Time. The two webinars were substantively identical. The meeting was organized twice in one day to accommodate the many time zones of the Advisory Group members.

The meeting began with special addresses from Mr. Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy on Climate and Finance, and the CEOs of London Stock Exchange and Johannesburg Stock Exchange, the Co-Chairs of the SSE Climate Disclosure Advisory Group.

If you would like to join the SSE Advisory Group on Climate Disclosure, please contact us at [email protected].

High-level Introductions

Mark Carney - UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance

David Schwimmer - LSE CEO

Leila Fourie - JSE CEO

Webinar Summary


The United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative hosted a webinar meeting of the SSE Climate Disclosure Advisory Group to discuss how to support stock exchanges in providing guidance to issuers on climate disclosure. The meeting brought together exchanges, regulators, and investors in order to review the zero draft of a guidance. The document will assist exchanges in developing best practice reporting guidance for issuers to ensure globally consistent disclosures incorporating the recommendations from the FSB Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

The SSE held two webinars to accommodate the many time zones of all members of the Advisory Group. In total there were 50 participants joining from 25 countries around the world, including representatives of 20 exchanges. 

The discussions were moderated by London Stock Exchange and Johannesburg Stock Exchange, the Co-Chairs of the SSE Climate Disclosure Advisory Group, who walked readers through the zero draft and facilitated lively discussions among the group about how the paper should further develop. The Advisory Group highlighted the importance of the SSE project for assisting exchanges by informing broader international discussions about best practices in implementing the TCFD recommendations. 

Speakers on the calls included representatives from: ASX, Bloomberg, Dubai Financial Market, GRI, HKX, Impax Asset Management, Nasdaq, NSE, PRI, SASB, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, TMX Group.

Next Steps 

Based on the inputs of the Advisory Group, both during the meeting and in subsequent written comments, the SSE will produce another iteration for comment to be circulated to the Advisory Group in Q4 2020. Following that, we will have one more final comment period in Q1 2021 before we finalize the document and publish it in Q2 2021 (exact date TBC). 

Who’s in the Advisory Group?

Besides the chairs, the London Stock Exchange and Johannesburg Stock Exchange, the SSE Climate Disclosure Advisory Group includes representatives from the following organizations: 

List of Participants

The webinar had 50 participants from 25 markets, including 20 exchanges.

Special address

United Nations
Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance
Mark Carney

London Stock Exchange Group
David Schwimmer

Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Leila Fourie

Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Chief Sustainability Officer
Shameela Soobramoney

London Stock Exchange Group
Head of Sustainable Finance, Strategic Initatives, Partnerships
David Harris

Chief Coordinator
Anthony Miller

SSE Academy Head
Tiffany Grabski