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This is an invitation only event. For more information, please contact the SSE team.

In order to provide markets with high-quality training on climate disclosure and provide an overview of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, the UN SSE, IFC and CDSB are providing a multifaceted course for exchanges to distribute to their markets and staff, free of charge. Special appreciation to the Sydney Stock Exchange (SSX) for coordinating this training webinar in Australia.

TCFD 101 – Getting started with climate-related financial reporting

TCFD 101 provides an overview of what climate-related reporting is and why it is important. It will also provide participants with the global and regional context and focus on the initial steps on how to address the TCFD recommendations. 

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: 

  • Explain the financial risks & opportunities associated with climate change, and the importance of climate-related financial disclosure.​
  • Understand the key elements of climate-related financial disclosure and outline the characteristics of good practice.​
  • Identify the initial steps organisations need to take to implement the recommendations of the TCFD.



Michael Zimonyi, Policy & External Affairs Director, CDSB Secretariat.

Michael leads CDSB’s policy and external affairs work. He joined CDSB in 2012 and focuses on policy and corporate engagement and oversees external affairs. Prior to joining CDSB, Michael has worked at a global pharmaceutical corporation and at the sustainability think tank Forum for the Future. Michael has a degree in Chemistry with Environmental Science from the University of Birmingham and studied Sustainable Finance at the University of Oxford. He is also a member of the UK Financial Reporting Council’s Stakeholder Advisory Panel, the EU Expert Group on the European financial data space and former member of the EFRAG European Lab Project Task Force on Climate-Related Reporting.


Tiffany Grabski is a senior specialist on climate reporting for the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (UN SSE) initiative. In this role, her most recent project involved the drafting of two upcoming guidance documents to help stock exchanges guide their markets on climate reporting and integrate the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) task force on climate-related financial disclosures (TCFD). Tiffany is also a PhD candidate currently completing her dissertation at the University of Geneva’s school of economics and management on how stock exchanges can contribute to solving climate change and other key global issues. Tiffany also served as deputy coordinator for the UN SSE initiative from 2015-2019, and prior to this worked as a journalist in Latin America.