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Borsa Istanbul starts calculating BIST Sustainability Index
Istanbul - The launch of the Index comes after many months of preparation including a joint workshop held with the SSE in January 2014. Borsa Istanbul is one of the five founding Partner Exchanges of the SSE initiative. The CEO of Borsa Istanbul recently spoke about the new…
2014 SSE Global Dialogue – press release
Key Capital Market Leaders Convene at Largest Sustainable Stock Exchanges Global DialogueGeneva The Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative hosted its fourth and largest Global Dialogue at the Palais des Nations in Geneva during UNCTAD’s World Investment…
2014 SSE Report on Progress released
Geneva- Released today, the SSE 2014 Report on Progress (pdf) frames the discussion of the SSE 2014 Global Dialogue. A review of sustainability initiatives at 55 exchanges found substantial progress, engagement, and a set of emerging best practices among exchanges regarding…
Deutsche Börse joins the UN SSE initiative
Frankfurt- Deutsche Börse has joined the United Nation’s Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative (SSE).The aim of the initiative, founded by the UN Secretary-General in 2009, is to promote the collaboration of stock exchanges with investors, regulators and companies in order to…
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is the newest member of the SSE initiative
Bangkok- The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) have publicly announced that they have joined the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative, making them the first Southeast Asian country to pledge their commitment to the promotion of sustainability within their capital…
La Bolsa Mexicana de Valores se une a la Iniciativa de SSE
English VersionMéxico, DF. - Grupo BMV ha anunciado su adhesión como Bolsa Aliada a la Iniciativa de Bolsas de Valores Sostenibles o Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE), iniciativa que funge como plataforma de aprendizaje para explorar cómo las bolsas de valores pueden…
The Mexican Stock Exchange (“BMV”) joins the SSE initiative
Spanish Version- En espanolMexico City – BMV Group has announced its adhesion as a Partner Exchange to the Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) Initiative. The initiative is the learning platform to explore how stock exchanges can work together with investors, regulators and…
Colombian Securities Exchange joins UN SSE initiative
 Bogotá – The Colombian Securities Exchange (BVC for its Spanish initials) today announced that it will partner with the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative. Colombia is now the second Latin American exchange to join the SSE, along…
UNEP-FI launches integrated governance report
UNEP-FI is pleased to introduce the report Integrated Governance – A new model of governance for sustainability as its newest contribution to the sustainable investment field. Developed in collaboration with leading governance experts from Harvard Business School and UNEP-FI’s…
London Stock Exchange partners with United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative
LONDON, 2 June 2014 – The London Stock Exchange (LSE) Group today announced that it will partner with the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative, joining nine other exchanges in the US, Europe, Africa and Asia to promote sustainable business practices among…