Name | Mongolian Agricultural Commodity Exchange |
Country | Mongolia |
SSE Derivative Network member | Yes |
Number of contracts traded for the most recent reporting year | 983 |
Contracts traded (futures) | 100 |
Contracts traded | 50 |
SSE Stock Exchange Database | No |
Type of offered products |
Has an annual sustainability report? | No |
Is sustainability reporting required of any market participants | No |
Exchange has written guidance on sustainability reporting for any market participants | No |
Offers sustainability-aligned products | No |
Offers sustainability-related training | No |
Additional information | |
Regulatory bodies |
About the exchange | MACE is a state-owned enterprise that operates on regulated market under supervision of the Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia. MACE was established in 2013, in accordance with the Law on Agricultural Products and Commodity Exchange, with a main goal to establish a comprehensive system for supplying, storing, transporting and trading in agricultural goods and raw materials in accordance with quality standards, thus increasing participation of herders and cooperatives in trading activities to support sustainable income generation, support domestic producers, promote exports and develop digital agriculture. MACE currently provides a platform for spot and derivatives market trading and plays a role in price discovery and transparency, and ensuring safe and efficient trading and settlement of commodities contracts, such as processed and semi-processed raw materials, specifically cashmere, wool, wheat, meat, livestock, skin and hide. The Exchange is located in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It employs 36 staff. It operates with four departments, Trading and Market Development Department, Membership and Registration Department, Administration and Finance Department, Information Technology Development Department. |