Name | Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad |
Country | Malaysia |
SSE Derivative Network member | Yes |
Number of contracts traded for the most recent reporting year | 18,233,788 |
Contracts traded (futures) | 1,362,213 |
Contracts traded | 478 |
SSE Stock Exchange Database | Yes |
Type of offered products |
Has an annual sustainability report? | Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad â Sustainability Report |
Is sustainability reporting required of any market participants | A traceability requirement is in place for the benchmark Crude Palm Oil Futures (FCPO) contract where sellers of FCPO are required to submit a traceability document when they deliver crude palm oil (CPO) to the derivatives exchange-approved Port Tank installations (PTI). As of 31 December 2020, 427 out of 452 mills in Malaysia or approximately 94% have been certified by the Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC) under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme. The MSPO Certification Scheme is the national scheme in Malaysia for oil palm plantations, independent and organised smallholdings, and palm oil processing facilities to be certified against the requirements of the MSPO Standards. |
Exchange has written guidance on sustainability reporting for any market participants | Written reporting guidance and toolkits have been made available for all market participants on BURSASUSTAIN |
Offers sustainability-aligned products |
Offers sustainability-related training | Bursa Malaysia conducts various advocacy programmes on relevant corporate governance and sustainability themes. On derivatives market, Bursa Malaysia Derivatives organises several webinars and virtual workshops to raise general awareness on derivatives and to equip investors with the necessary knowledge and skills to trade in its derivative products. |
Additional information | |
Regulatory bodies | Regulatory model: Strong exchange SRO Securities Commission of Malaysia: Bursa Malaysia is an exchange holding company approved under section 15 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (CMSA) by the Securities Commission (SC) being the primary regulator of the capital market. Bursa Malaysia is the frontline regulator and has the duty to maintain a fair and orderly market in the securities and derivatives that are traded through its facilities. In this regard, Bursa Malaysia has put in place a comprehensive and effective regulatory and supervisory framework to regulate the market, its participants and listed issuers. In this respect, Bursa Malaysia has issued various sets of rules to stipulate the requirements that need to be met by the regulated entities either upon admission and/or on a continuing basis. It administers and monitors compliance with these rules and takes strict, prompt and objective enforcement action for breaches of these rules. Bursa Malaysia actively supervises the listed issuers and the participants. It also undertakes surveillance over the trading activities in the marketplace. The SC supervises and monitors Bursa Malaysia to ensure that Bursa Malaysia performs its regulatory duties and obligations in an effective manner. Under the law, the SCâs approval is required for changes to Bursa Malaysiaâs rules. Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad (Bursa Malaysia Derivatives), application is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bursa Malaysia and a member of the Bursa Malaysia Group of companies (Bursa Malaysia Group). Bursa Malaysia is the listed holding company for eight (8) authorized operating subsidiaries (exchange holding company), supported by related bodies corporate to assist in the performance of its authorization obligations. Together these form the Bursa Malaysia Group, which offer a range of market services linked by a common purpose to provide core capital markets services and infrastructure to meet the needs of a wide range of capital markets stakeholders and for a globally competitive and vibrant Malaysian economy. |
About the exchange | Bursa Malaysia Derivatives provides, operates and maintains a derivatives exchange under the supervision of the SC and is governed by the CMSA. If offers investors the ability of trading on a regulated marketplace with infrastructure and regulations comparable to that of established markets worldwide. BMD offers the most liquid and successful crude palm oil futures (FCPO) contract in the world, consolidating Malaysiaâs position as the global centre for palm oil price discovery. For over 30 years, FCPO is actively used by edible oils and fats industry players as a risk management solution, as well as by fund managers and financial institutions for managing price fluctuations in the market. Apart from agricultural commodity derivatives, Bursa Malaysia Derivatives provide equity, interest rates, bond and metal commodity (gold and tin) futures and options market trading and settlement services. |