The UN Sustainable Stock Exchange initiative welcomes The Barbados Stock Exchange Inc. (BSE) as a new member. BSE has solidified its commitment to transparency and sustainability by becoming a partner exchange of the UN SSE initiative. The newest partner joins a network of now 112 stock exchanges around the world that are committed to promoting sustainable development.
The SSE works with stock exchanges through technical assistance, consensus building, and research to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to stimulate investment for a sustainable future. Exchanges around the world partner with the SSE to work towards a common objective of fostering financial markets that support the growth of sustainable and responsible business practices.
The voluntary commitment to the SSE initiative represents a strategic achievement for the BSE. “We believe that the BSE of the future must be fortified by innovative, sustainable, and transparent foundations, today” noted Marlon Yarde, Managing Director of the BSE. “To that end, we are pleased to be able to voluntarily commit, through dialogue with investors, companies, and regulators, to promoting long-term sustainable investment and improved environment, social and corporate governance disclosure and performance among companies listed on our exchange” he added.
Promoting sustainability and transparency in capital markets
BSE will engage in peer-to-peer dialogue to explore how the exchange can work together with investors, regulators, and companies, to encourage sustainable investment, while also working to enhance corporate transparency and performance in respect to environmental, social, and corporate governance issues, in line with the SSE initiative goals.
SSE Stock Exchange Database
To learn more about what exchanges are doing to promote ESG disclosure and sustainable finance, visit the SSE’s database of stock exchange sustainability activities. Currently, the database has data on 115 stock exchanges and tracks progress on key activities where exchanges are promoting sustainable business and investment practices. It is the largest data set of its kind and the data is freely accessible.