In light of the upcoming publication of the UN SSE model guidance on climate disclosure and the practical action plan on the 29th of June, the SSE is ramping up its efforts to provide climate disclosure training to exchanges' markets to help them implement the actions suggested in the model guidance and the action plan.
In order to provide markets with high-quality training on climate disclosure and provide an overview of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, the UN SSE together with IFC and CDSB, are creating a multifaceted course for exchanges to distribute to their markets, free of charge.
The course’s objective is to facilitate a multi-stakeholder dialogue on TCFD disclosure and provide an understanding of the importance of climate-related disclosure. The training program, available for exchanges to offer to their stakeholders, primarily addresses issuers and preparers of sustainability reports in companies. However, everyone else is welcome to join as well!
The course that exchanges can offer to their issuers consists of 3 different modules:
‣ TCFD 101 provides an overview of what climate-related reporting is and why it is important. It will also provide participants with the global and regional context and focus on the initial steps on how to address the TCFD recommendations.
‣ TCFD 102 provides an in-depth program during which participants will peer-review each others’ TCFD reports and wider good practice. For markets with no or very little reporting on TCFD, the course will focus on setting up internal processes for reporting and potential first areas to get started on.
‣ TCFD 102E allows all participants of TCFD 102 to continue their dive into the climate disclosure universe through a self-taught e-learning experience.
TCFD 101 and 102 are each delivered as live online workshops (120 minutes) while TCFD 102E is a series of self-taught e-learning classes. The training will be recorded and relevant video clips will be made available to exchanges for continuous training. The workshops will incorporate interactive elements to facilitate engagement and discussion among participants.
No financial costs occur for the exchange or the participants of the course. The collaborating partners will provide the training content, the trainer and technical platforms free of charge. The exchange will organize outreach to its issuers and other relevant stakeholders in its market ecosystem.
Interested to provide free training to your market?
To find out more and reserve a free training for your market please contact: [email protected]