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SSE joins World Investor Week

World Investor Week (WIW) is a week-long, global campaign promoted by IOSCO to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and protection and highlight the various initiatives of securities regulators in these two critical areas. In October, IOSCO securities regulators and other IOSCO members on six continents provided a range of activities, such as launching investor-focused communications and services, promoting contests to increase awareness of investor education initiatives, organizing workshops and conferences, and conducting local/national campaigns in their own jurisdictions.

In its fourth edition (from October 5 to 11th, 2020), WIW is being coordinated at the global level by the IOSCO Retail Investors Committee, the “Committee 8”, which is chaired by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil - CVM, being promoted in each country by IOSCO members. 

SSE joined the World Investor Week opening ceremony and to discuss Green and Thematic Bonds, Global market trends and opportunities. Anthony Miller, SSE coordinator, spoke alongside Luxembourg Stock Exchange and Nasdaq on the development of green bond markets and the work of the SSE in the area of green finance.


SSE and Green Finance


SSE has a Green Finance workstream which developed a guidance document with the inputs of over 70 experts from around the world and includes practical examples from more than a dozen stock exchanges. The SSE Guidance Document – How Stock Exchanges can Grow Green Finance found that the growth of green finance depends on both promoting green finance products as well as greening mainstream financial markets. 


In alignment with the SSE’s Voluntary Action Plan, the SSE tracks a number of sustainability activities that can help stock exchanges to grow green finance in their market. This includes the presence of products such as sustainability bond segments or ESG indices and mainstreaming green through the inclusion of ESG requirements into listing requirements.


WIW -Potencial dos títulos temáticos para promover investimentos sustentáveis no contexto do COVID19