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SSE joins Climate and Sustainable Finance Week in Latin America

The first edition of the Climate and Sustainable Financing Week in Latin America and the Caribbean took place from September 21 to 25, 2020. The event arises from the prevailing need to dialogue on the financial, fiscal and economic mechanisms that will allow us to continue the transition to low-emission and climate-resilient development while achieving a transformative, fair and sustainable economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

SSE participated in this multi-stakeholder dialogue that had 13 sessions and some parallel activities. The Climate and Sustainable Financing Week was a call for collaboration in the design of recovery packages from a gender perspective and human, indigenous and intergenerational rights, focusing on climate justice for all.

Implement environmental tax reforms, align international cooperation with climate change needs at the national level, increase the involvement of the financial sector in sustainable reactivation, and in general, ensure that all financing flows are consistent with low-carbon and climate-resilient development as envisaged by the Paris Agreement, including a reduction in investments in the fossil fuel sector, are some of the proposals that were discussed throughout the week.




SSE has many stock exchange partners in Latin America and the Caribbean. To learn more, visit the SSE’s database of stock exchange sustainability activities. Currently, the database has data on 103 stock exchanges, including more than 10 exchanges in the LAC region, and tracks progress on key activities where exchanges are promoting sustainable business and investment practices. It is the largest data set of its kind and the data is freely accessible. 

SSE provides guidance on Green Finance for stock exchanges in Spanish: How Stock Exchanges can Grow Green Finance (¿Cómo Pueden Las Bolsas De Valores Hacer Crecer Las Finanzas Verdes?).



Experiencias y avances de la participación del sector financiero en la atención del cambio climático

Semana de Financiamiento Climático y Sostenible en LAC, 2020Día 3: Movilizando al sector privado y financieroSesión. Experiencias y avances de la participación del sector financiero en la atención del cambio climático. Participan:- Anthony Miller, Coordinador Iniciativa de Bolsa de Valores Sostenibles, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development- Carolina López, Representante para Latinoamérica de UN Environment Programme- Nabil Kadri, Director del Fondo Amazónico, BNDES- Eduardo Piquero, Director MÉXICO2: Plataforma Mexicana de Carbono y Coordinador del Consejo Consultivo de Finanzas Sostenibles, MéxicoModera: Fred Seifert, SITAWI

Gepostet von GFLAC am Mittwoch, 23. September 2020