(10 May 2018) The Ljubljana Stock Exchange in Slovenia has signed a commitment letter supporting the development of sustainable capital markets and signifying its partnership with the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative.
Mr Aleš Ipavec, President of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, said that he is “delighted that on 11 May 2018 the Ljubljana Stock Exchange joined the United Nations initiative called the Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative. The purpose of the partnership is to promote and stimulate the capital market in the following key areas: transparency, promotion of gender equality, promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the development and promotion of the capital market for financing environmentally friendly projects. These are all areas that we put a lot of our attention to as we are striving to be a modern stock exchange.”
“We will actively take part in all of the above-mentioned areas with mechanisms for informing the public and organizing dedicated events. The activities of the development of the market for small and medium-sized enterprises will be implemented through the development of the MTF Market and the implementation of the educational and remediation content of the Partner Program for SMEs. Within the Progress market, we will develop and actively promote the green financing segment, as envisioned by the Green Bond Principals,” the exchange’s President added.
The Ljubljana Stock Exchange has a history dating back to 1922, although the present day iteration was founded in 1989 and will be celebrating its 30th anniversary next year. It now becomes the 73rd SSE Partner Exchange committed to promoting transparent and sustainable capital markets.