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Bangladesh joins the SSE

(Chittagong, Bangladesh 5 June 2017) Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE) held a press conference to announce its commitment to sustainable and transparent capital markets as the first Bangladeshi Stock Exchange to join the Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative.

“As a Partner Exchange, the CSE will join forces with international efforts to spearhead sustainability practices among capital markets. CSE intends to make use of the SSE platform to improve transparency and further enable ethical and sustainable interactions in its marketplace,” the exchange said in a statement.

“Governance, technology and the commitment are the keys of CSE’s effort. CSE is committed to leading the Bangladesh capital market as stable and sustainable. We look forward to both contributing and learning from the other partners of this exciting initiative,” the exchange declared.

CSE expressed its committed to promoting long-term sustainable investment and improved environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) disclosure and performance among companies listed on our exchange.

At present, Corporate Governance issues are included in Public Issue Rules and Listing Regulations. CSE Listed Companies have to report on compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance Guidelines of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission in their annual Financial Reports.

CSE has now the following plans to fulfill the above commitment for the achievement of the SDGs:

  1. ESG Reporting Guidance – Assist listed companies by providing guidance in making sustainability information public.
  2. Dialogue – Engage our fellow exchanges, investors and issuers with an SSE Communication to Stakeholders.
  3. Sustainability Products – Help incentivize and mobilize finance for SDG areas through new products such as ESG indices and bond listings.
  4. Listing Requirements – Strengthen our listing requirements to encourage the disclosure and use of sustainability information.
  5. Participate in its SSE workgroups -Participate in its SSE workgroups to share best practices and promote sustainable markets.

“We hope CSE will be able to enhance the sustainability practices of listed companies and overall, make a meaningful contribution to the investment community,” the exchange said.