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Montreal Exchange (TMX Group)

Name Montreal Exchange (TMX Group)
Country Canada
SSE Derivative Network member Yes
Number of contracts traded for the most recent reporting year
Contracts traded (futures)
Contracts traded
SSE Stock Exchange Database Yes
Type of offered products
Has an annual sustainability report? Yes
Is sustainability reporting required of any market participants No
Exchange has written guidance on sustainability reporting for any market participants Yes
  • TMX entered into a strategic alliance with IHS Markit to endorse their ESG Reporting Repository (the “Repository”). The Repository facilitates the disclosure of issuer ESG information into a variety of frameworks and standards, such as SASB and TCFD, and has extensive distribution channels to disseminate the information to global investors and stakeholders.
  • Related information:
    • In 2010, the Canadian Securities Administrators issued CSA Staff Notice 51-333 Environmental Reporting Guidance to help issuers understand reporting requirements for environmental issues. It identifies where requirements exist, explores the concept of materiality and provides specific disclosure examples. While the notice did not specifically address social information, it has been noted that social issues are included since the Annual Information Form and Management’s Discussion and Analysis cover all material issues. (Source)

Offers sustainability-aligned products Yes
Offers sustainability-related training No
Additional information
Regulatory bodies
About the exchange